Sales and Marketing: A Manufacturer’s Yin and Yang


sales and marketing in manufacturing

Marketing and Sales departments have long been segregated; both never fully understanding the other. The sales guys notoriously believe if you aren’t making us money, you’re costing us money. No matter the industry, the age-old question “can sales and marketing coexist” is still being debated to this day. Specifically, the manufacturing industry first addressed this back in 1977 in the Harvard Business Review. Manufacturing and other industrial companies are historically sales oriented pushing marketing strategies to the side. We are here to tell you, nobody puts baby in the corner.


We understand that in the manufacturing realm, referrals and relationships drive a lot of your sales. But, what if we told you aligning your sales strategy with a strong marketing strategy incorporated onto your website could drastically increase your quality leads? The more leads you have the more sales you close. It makes sense, right?

It is important to understand why you need to find the balance between marketing and sales and how you can achieve that balance.

Balancing the B2B and B2C Line

Your buyers are people, and people act as consumers. The lines between business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) markets are no longer easily defined.

Business-to-consumer (B2C) buying and shopping preferences are now influencing the business-to-business (B2B) marketplace. A significant change in the B2B market is the rise of e-commerce. An increasing number of website visits result in transactions, weakening the industry’s reliance on certain aspects of the traditional face-to-face sales approach. To keep up with the rise of e-commerce, manufacturers should look toward their website as a sales tool that can capture leads and deliver meaningful content to its visitors.

Your Website is Your Best Sales and Marketing Tool

Your website is the first point of contact for many customers. It should tell the story of your company, showing what you do and why you do it better than anyone else. It should have a clear navigation that guides customers through different pages and encourages them to reach out to you for more information.

Sales suffer when product communications are not aligned. As a result, manufacturers miss out on high margin digital selling opportunities. Your website is your single greatest sales tool; manage your website weekly if not daily to close more deals. – Marc Bowers, founder of St. Louis Makes

Your website is also your best sales tool, offering 24/7 information and resources to your customers. Ask yourself: is your website earning you any new business? If not, it might be time to redevelop a few pieces. Perhaps, it’s best to start from the ground up with a brand new one. Allow your website to act as a natural sales tool.  Show (don’t tell) your prospects how, where, and why to drink your koolaid (aka purchase your product).

Sales and Marketing Can Coexist

73% of purchasing decisions begin online, so brands have to stand out digitally. The most tried and true way to attract more quality leads is to have your website aid your sales representatives. The common thread between your sales and marketing team is that both have one goal: maximize the business and close more sales.

Are you ready to find the balance between your sales and marketing strategies? Call us today and let’s chat: 314-621-7600