All Together Now: The Top 3 Marketing Automation Tactics


For months, we’ve demystified marketing automation platforms and broken down the many features they bring to your business: integrated contacts, content publishing and analytics reporting, to name just a few. But it’s not until you discover the “automation” side of marketing automation that you understand how these tools will work together to transform the way you market. Take a look at a few examples.

1. Automatic Email Sends

Before starting any marketing automation, you’ll need to ensure that you’ve set up your contacts and are tracking your customers’ journeys within your site. With that established, you’re ready to try one of the easiest, most popular automations: the automatic email send.

Automatic email sends help you strike while the iron is hot with your targets. When someone takes a specific action, like visiting your contact page, filling out a form or even reading a previous email, they’ll receive a customized message from you. Marketing automation is the best way to know when people are engaging with your business–and capitalize on it.

2. Automatic List Creation

Although many businesses have multiple targets, they often market with one, general message for everyone. But marketing is not a one-size-fits-all practice. Grouping your contacts into segmented lists is the first step toward more personal marketing–and marketing automation tools make it easy.

Start with your general contact list and look for logical ways to divide it. Segment customers from prospective ones, local clients from national ones, and so on. From there, simply enter your list criteria into your marketing automation software and it will scan your entire list and group contacts accordingly. Better yet, any future contact you add will be checked and grouped against those criteria. This opens the door to the type of hyper-targeted marketing that drives results.

3. Automatic Drip Campaigns

The drip campaign is an innovative messaging technique that sends multiple email messages over time based on how users progress through your website and story content. As users complete actions like visit your homepage, read blogs and submit contact forms, they’ll trigger new messages funneling them toward your end goal.

A drip campaign may take a few extra steps to set up, but once live, it runs like a well-oiled marketing machine. Here’s an example of how a typical drip campaign is conducted.

  • You’re sending your latest blog to your list of 100 prospects
  • The email is sent and 50 of those prospects clicked through to your blog
  • A few days later, those 50 prospects receive an automated email inviting them to read more of your content. 25 prospects click through to your blog once again.
  • A few more days later, those 25 prospects who have engaged with your brand both times will receive a message inviting them to get in touch via your site’s lead generating contact form
  • And so on, and so on…

Drip campaigns help you narrow down your lists and engage the targets who are most interested in your product or service. They may run for as long as you like and we recommend running several drip campaigns simultaneously, each with its own unique target and messaging strategy.

Marketing Automation for Your Business

Automated campaigns are often easy to set up, but difficult to master. With time and a little practice, however, these automation tactics will streamline your marketing and deliver more results in less time. Let our digital marketing experts help you get started on your first marketing automation campaign.