Cracking the Code as Your Website Development Partner


web developer looking at code on his computer

As a website and web app development agency, we take pride in offering comprehensive solutions for your digital platforms. Our technology team is an asset for countless organizations — providing deep technical knowledge during the development of websites, web applications and mobile applications. Our specialized services in web development help clients across industries build better, more robust platforms. Read on to see how we augment businesses as a website development partner. 

Website Development

Your website’s functionality relies on each system communicating and operating effectively with the others as a single unit. While our front-end developers work on all the elements clients see, such as graphics and page layouts, our back-end developers work on creating hidden frameworks and supporting server infrastructure that keep your website running smoothly.

Our technologists specialize in disciplines from hosting setup, server administration and software development. The Paradigm team is multidisciplinary — continually adapting to diverse platforms required by the client. Our services in web development include e-commerce and all associated integrations, including customer relationship management (CRM) systems, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and beyond. 

As your website development partner, Paradigm maintains expertise in the following areas: 

  • Cloud host providers, such as Amazon Web Services and Azure
  • Web content management systems, such as WordPress
  • Application programming interfaces (APIs), both first and third-party
  • E-commerce platforms, such as WooCommerce, Shopify and Magento
  • Web server software, such as Apache and Nginx
  • Front-end languages, such as HTML, SASS, CSS and JavaScript
  • Scripting languages, such as PHP, Python, Node and Ruby 
  • Serverless architectures, such as Firebase and Lambda
  • Web security measures 

Web Application Development

Beyond websites, our technologists also build custom applications for our clients. Web applications provide users with a functional tool accessed through a web browser. Clients often hire our services in web development to solve a specific problem through web applications — such as creating custom user portals, interactive data visualizations or e-commerce storefronts. 

Web applications often use frameworks and libraries to handle complex functionalities and improve efficiency. Our technologists are involved every step of the way, managing development, lifecycles and roadmaps of our web-based applications. 

As your website application development partner, Paradigm maintains expertise in the following areas: 

  • Cloud host providers, such as Amazon Web Services and Azure
  • Programming languages, such as Ruby, PHP, Python, Node.js, C#, HTML, TypeScript, ReactJS, React Native and Javascript
  • Application platforms and frameworks, such as Rails, Laravel, .NET, Django
  • Database services, such as MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQL Server
  • Shell scripting 
  • Web security measures

Mobile Development

Mobile applications may differentiate your business in a competitive landscape by offering unique features or better user experiences. However, mobile applications involve specialized knowledge in software development, UX/UI design and human interface guidelines. 

Notably, these applications use different programming languages to accommodate iOS and Android platforms. It’s an entirely different arena of development — services in mobile app development need to be specialized to accommodate the unique platform. While some agencies offer technology support, not every website development partner is flexible enough to create a website and mobile application independently.

Paradigm has experience developing mobile applications for everything from parks to law firms. Our technologists develop, test, deploy and roadmap feature releases for your mobile application. Beyond that, we stay on top of native and non-native mobile frameworks to ensure you deliver the most advanced user experience possible.

Paradigm boasts applicable expertise in the following areas:

  • iOS development requirements 
  • Programming languages, such as Objective-C and Swift
  • Android development requirements 
  • Programming languages such as Java and Kotlin
  • Non-native software frameworks, such as React Native

Launch Support 

After creating a website or application, there’s still the matter of launching it. As your website development partners, we handle every element of the launch and adapt to resolve any challenges or final requests that emerge during that time. Through our services in web development, our testers and deployment teams ensure every element is displayed correctly, functions properly and engages your audience with every click. 

The Paradigm technology team typically handles: 

  • Deploying code to the production environments, app stores, etc.
  • Performance testing, such as load times and progressive enhancements. 
  • Reviewing functionality and user experience
  • Conducting training on applicable software, such as CMS, content platform or custom administration tools

Ongoing Maintenance & Support 

The functionality of your website or application directly impacts customer satisfaction, product usability and user empowerment. However, continual maintenance and support are often required to catch potential issues early on and find a resolution. Clients keep us on retainer as their website development partner, empowering us to respond quickly to bugs, security concerns, updates and beyond.

Paradigm: Your Website Development Partner 

Paradigm is your partner for powerful platforms. By activating decades of expertise, we instill your organization with the efficiency, functionality and flexibility needed to better serve your stakeholders. Better yet, our services in web development identify new avenues of growth for your organization — continually placing you ahead of the competition with new and improved features. 

Have a project for our website and web app development agency? Contact us to get started.